Chola Mountains is part of Shaluli Shan Range. It is located in the north of Shaluli. There are over 10 peaks that are over 5500 meters and the highest mountain is called Mount Que’er (Rongma Ezha) which is 6168 meters high. The nearest town of Chola Mountains are Derge and Mani Gango. Most of the peaks at Chola Mountains are not climbed.

Marong Ezha being the highest peak of the Chola Mountains. Marong Ezha means the high mountain that blocks the birds, also called Tsola or Chola by local people. Lots of glacier ly in the valleys of Chola. Number of peaks that are over 5000 meters is over 28. Second highest peak is called Dopu Ezha (6119m). Marong Ezha and Dopu Ezha are also called Mt. Chola I and Mt. Chola II.

The road G317 goes through the Chola Range and separates this massif into two main clusters of mountains. The one by the north of G317 is called Zhuqen Mountaing, from the name of the Zhuqen Monastery by its north valley. The northern massif of Chola Mountains lie by the west of S217 Road. Highest mountain is called Zhuqen Mountain (Nobugya) at 5849m just to the south of Zhuqen Monastery. This part of the mountains are one of the least-explored places in China. In this cluster of peaks there are also Poru Gyabo that is 5472m, Sechong 5816m, Dolanglong 5642m and several other peaks above 5500m.

South of the road G317 is the southern part of Chola Massif where the highest peak Marong Ezha lies. The road G317 is a popular driving road from Sichuan to Tibet. The lake Yilun Latso is a tourist site although not many people come here. By south of the massif the mountains lie also NW to SE, there are many mountains their names are still unknown. From the road one can see some peaks but one needs to go into the valleys by its south to see more. But few has explored its south side. These mountains include Gahinong 5515m, Shuima 5377m, Zauga Ama 5615m, Is Gyasa 5549m, Zhoga Malong 5802m, Ilang Gongrigado 5420m, Bula Chodeng 5298m, Zachari 5560m, Zchalong Kama 5592m, Bendo 5375m and Elama 5376m.

The essential places to get to Chola Mountain Range include Derge and Ganzi.