Daxuetang Mountains is located by the southeast of Qionglaishan Range. It is the closest 5000-er to Chengdu and the border mountain between Chengdu, Ya’an and Aba, making it the highest point of Chengdu. The highest peak of Daxuetang was recorded as 5364 meters above sea level. Newer research shows it’s actually lower than this.

The highest three peaks of Daxuetang are at over 5000 meters.

The mountain has a stable climate in winter (around the Spring Festival) and less precipitation. There should be more regular good weather in other seasons, but more precipitation. Avalanches occur near the climbing route a few days after heavy snowfall. Falling rocks are frequent in some areas. The temperature can reach over 20 degrees in May when there is no wind on a clear day. At night it is 10-20 degrees below zero.

The usual approach is from its north side via Dengsheng Panda Sanctuary. Former base camp was set at 4500 meters, one full days walk to the base camp from road head.

There are many attempts to this mountain due to its short distance with a 10-million population city. Ahtough among the 9 recorded attempts, there successful summits was at mere 2-3 times.