Mt. Hutsa is one of the highest mountains in Genyen Massif. It is 5912 meters and located in the central part of Genyen north to Xiazha Valley. From many resources the name of the mountain is simply 5912m.

The name Haga Rezhe is from local villagers of Zewa. Hutsa is one of the “Great Seven” mountains from its south, where the village Zewa is located.

Mt. Hutsa is called by local people from Naigando as Mt. Hutsa. The 2016 team who made summit to this mountain simply call it 5912. And called another mountain Mt. Hutsa, which we believe it’s a mistake. We have confirmed from multiple resources from local villagers that this 5912 -m mountain is called Hutsa.

Mt. Hutsa can be accessed from west by Lenglong Valley and south via Xiazha Valley.

Mt. Hutsa has its first summit in 2016. This expedition team made summit to this mountain after Mt. Gonbu Zhasu (Mt. Jiangbianyan 5863m), mountain which they believed to be Hutsa.