Mt. Xiangba is also called Jiawa Xiangba,. It is a 5965 meters mountain in Genyen Massif. It is located next to Mt. Genie by its northwest. 5965-m is also one of the highest mountains in Genyen Massif and the fourth highest mountains after Mt. Genie (6204m), Mt. Yangmolong (6070m) and Mt. 6033m within this mountain range.

This mountain is accessed from west by Retti Valley, north by Lenglong Valley and southeast by Dao Valley. The closest approach is from its west where it has a basic road to only 5km to base of its west face. From Dao Valley its around 10km approach on foot, from north by Lenglong Valley it’s around 18km approach via Lenggu Monastery.
From its west one only sees the lower part of Xiangba. Mt. Xiangba is a big mountain in size. East to Mt. Xiangba is Mt. Xiaqiong. There is a ridge connecting each other. Mt. Xiangba has two side peaks by its north ridge that are around meters. Its side peaks may have individual names but are unknown.
It has only one recorded climb in 2007 and after worth there was no attempt recorded.